Levit-Land: Jon Levell's Homepage
A Dwarf

This website uses DWARF (Desktop Without Any Real Functionality). It was created in homage to a popular open-source desktop environment.

DWARF currently has many bugs (especially if you are not using Firefox) but I do plan to fix them

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Dwarf image From Anne's Place
Site icons from famfamfam

This is the home page of Jon Levell (my blog), it tends to be in a permanent state of construction as I use it as a testing ground for various things that I'm playing with.

Any views expressed anywhere in this site are entirely my own and resemblance to the views of my employer are purely coincidental.


In my spare time, I've been working on a website called WhenShallWe.com. An early version is now public but I plan to make incremental improvements to it.

WhenShallWe is designed to be useful if you're trying to arrange to meet a group of people but it's hard to pick a day because people are busy. The web site maintains a list of which people can make which days so that the organiser can easily see which day is best

witch on a broomstick
When shall we three meet again? (Image by Lakeside)
About Jon LevellX

I am a geek who potters around Winchester, UK. I work for IBM UK at their beautiful Hursley Development Labs as a software engineer (this is my personal webpage and has nothing to do with my employer - any opinions presented here are solely my responsibility).

I do have a blog but it is updated very sporadically.

My girlfriend, Em, has her own website but since going back to uni she's far too busy to update it much - or at least she should be!

I haven't always been professionally interested in computers - in a former existance I spent eight years studying physics.


DWARF (Desktop Without Any Real Functionality) is a set of scripts created in homage to the excellent GNOME. The server-side code is written in PHP but the majority of the lines of code are Javascript.

Both the scripts themselves and the content they host are still very much a work in progress but I suspect that it'll stay that way permanently, I'll just add little bits and pieces as the mood takes me which is why the current "to do" list doesn't contain any dates.


  • Why?

    Because. It serves as a playground for me to play with AJAX, Javascript and PHP.

DWARF: To Do ListX
This is a list of the things that still need to be done to DWARF